As we move into new or refurbished offices, we want to create a platform for a smarter way of working to ensure the Svella Connect brand stands for quality, professionalism and an unrivalled customer experience.
This is the start of a bright new journey for Svella Connect and the perfect time to set the standards we want to meet to ensure we grow and thrive together.
So, while we don’t want to come across like your parents telling you to clean your room, we think we have come up with a short and simple set of common sense guidelines to help keep all of our working environments pleasant, professional and safe for everyone.
1: Business work attire. We are all about smart working. That means being smart in everything that we do – smart ways to innovate and impress, smart ideas about how we can grow the business and smart ways of dressing. We want you to look smart and professional at all times, but, as always, we are keeping Friday as the smart-casual day.
2: Clean desk policy. Having a clean, uncluttered desk not only makes the office look more presentable, it also makes your working life easier and more efficient so just work-related items only on your desk please.
3: No music. While we are sure you have a fantastic musical taste and would love to show all your colleagues how good you are at Popmaster, we’re sorry but background music is just incompatible with busy offices where your fellow workers will be on the phone to our clients and partners.
4: No non-work documents on the office walls. We just don’t think the office is quite the right place for personal posters. Only putting work-related documents on walls will make it much easier for you to see everything you need to at all times and help us to get important messages and information across to you clearly.
We hope you can see why these guidelines are sensible to ensure we always present a smart and professional impression across the business.