We are happy to announce that the migration from Google to Microsoft 365 is now ready to take place. Over the course of the next two weeks, we will be migrating your Google Mail and Google Drive to Microsoft Office 365. As part of this migration, you’re also going to get access to some exciting new tools such as Microsoft Teams, One Drive, and SharePoint. Your emails and data will be migrated across to your new Microsoft Outlook account and will have no impact on your current Google account. The IT team is working diligently to make this as smooth as possible. We have attached some helpful guides for each application you will gain access to on our Microsoft 365 platform. These guides will help answer any questions you might have on the new platform and applications you will gain access to. Additionally please follow this link to Microsoft 365 Training and Guides - https://support.microsoft.com/en-GB/training?WT.mc_id=365AdminCSH_inproduct. Here you have access to helpful videos and Microsoft resources. How it will look The biggest change will be your email and file storage programmes. You will now be using Microsoft Outlook rather than Google Mail and OneDrive & SharePoint instead of Google Drive & Shared Drives. During the migration process, there should be little-to-no interruption to your normal work. However, if you do experience any issues, the IT Support team will be able to assist on 01623 447716.
What do we need from you?
Please perform the following actions on 28th March:
Back up any critical documents - Due to the tight turnaround we face with this project, we ask you to ensure any critical documents are appropriately backed up on your H: Drive which is located on your file explorer under 'This PC'. This is your own personal home drive that only you have access to (see guide below).
We ask you to check the owner of your current shared documents on Google Drive. Please be aware If you have a document that is owned by an employee who has left, it will not be migrated across. We ask you to check the owner of your current shared documents on Google. Please check whether the owner of the document is still an employee of the business, if this isn't the case, please raise a ticket on the IT ServiceDesk - https://itsupport.svellaconnect.com and we will amend this. (see guide below).
Please ensure that you attempt to cleanse your mailbox to remove any unrequired emails.
Please ensure that you attempt to cleanse Google Drive to remove any that are no longer required documents
Export of calendar entries to import into Microsoft 365 (see guide below).
Export of contact entries to import into Microsoft 365. (see guide below)
Export Chrome bookmarks that are linked to your Google account (see guide below).
Export any saved password that may be attached to your Google profile (see guide below).
Any other Google linked services such as Google Keep, Tasks, documentation linked to those services will also need to be backed up, again the service desk can support you if you have any difficulties with these.
What happens next? Within the next couple of weeks:
We aim to go live on 30th March, which means we will switch to using the new Microsoft 365 applications on this date.
You’ll receive instructions on how to set up your mobile device after the migration.
You’ll receive some quick training on new features.
You’ll receive an email to advise when your migration will start.
When the migration is complete everything will be moved over to M365 and will be in the same folder as they were in Google.
Watch out for another email in the coming week to update you all on the progress of the migration; this will detail any next steps we require you to take.
Thanks for your support and cooperation. The IT Department