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IMS (Integrated Management Systems) Policy Statement, which includes Health and Safety, Quality, and Environmental forSvella Connect Limited. Issued December 2021
Svella Connect Limited is totally committed to delivering safe, high-quality services that satisfy customer requirements, applicablelegal and other requirements, whilst preventing pollution and protecting and improving the environment. In order to ensure this happens, we will actively communicate and co-operate with all our interested parties to fully understand their requirements andexpectations and encourage their input to improving our product services and our business performance.
We will undertake, and are fully committed to the following:
Protecting our employees, the community and the environment from any adverse impact on health, safety and environment arising from our activities. This includes providing and maintaining a safe working environment by preventing or minimising riskto the health and safety of our employees, sub-contractors, contractors and visitors.
Identification of quality, health and safety, and environmental hazards and risks, together with their assessment and control.
Working with our supply chain by developing mutually beneficial long term supply chain agreements with selected suppliers,together with monitoring and evaluating the performance of our wider supply chain.
Ensuring compliance with all applicable and product, health, safety and environmental legislation/compliance obligations and other applicable permits and licenses requirements in accordance with our company and customer’s aspects and risks.
Consulting with employees and supply chain partners on matters affecting health and safety.
Communicating throughout the company the importance of meeting customer needs together with all relevant statutory andregulatory requirements.
Assessing the health, safety and environmental impact of our operations during planning, design and implementation phases toprevent pollution of the external environment.
Incorporating sustainable environmental considerations into our design standards and construction practices having regard to energy and water consumption, use of low environmental impact materials, designing out waste and reusing materials, whereverpossible.
Playing our part in minimising the amount of construction, demolition and excavation waste going to landfill. This will include adopting and implementing standards for good practice in reducing waste, recycling more, and increasing the use of recycled andrecovered materials.
Continual improvement of our IMS (Integrated Management Systems)
Quality, health and safety, and environmental SMART objectives and targets, are set, implemented, monitored, measured and reviewed to ensure continual improvement. We will ensure availability of information, infrastructure and necessary resources toachieve our objectives and targets.
As Managing Director, it is my responsibility to ensure that the company’s IMS policy is implemented, and in turn, the leadership teams accept their own quality, environmental, health and safety and environmental responsibilities. I, along with the leadership teams will ensure that such resources, facilities, finances, information, instruction, training and supervision is provided, as is necessary, to minimise the risk of injury or ill health and to maintain a positive health, safety and environmental culture, together with having aquality performance throughout the company.
This policy shall be communicated to all persons working under the control of our organisation, including contractors and outsourced partners. This policy will be made available to the public and interested parties upon request, and will be formally reviewed annually. Also, in certain circumstances the policy may be amended as required by changes in legislation or changes in working practices.
Gavin Davies
Managing Director